Barkin Daji

Populated Place, Zamfara Gummi


Barkin Daji is a populated place in Zamfara, Nigeria. It has an elevation of 300 meters above sea level. Information correct as at Wednesday 22nd June 2016.

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What 3 Words

///settle.catered.occupant. Near Gummi, Zamfara


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Barkin Daji Data

Name Value
Id 7009207
Name Barkin Daji
Asciiname Barkin Daji
Latitude 11.86307
Longitude 5.11488
Feature Class P
Feature Id PPL
Country Id NG
Admin1 Code 57
Admin2 Code 806
Area Id NG.57
District Id NG.57.806
Admin3 Code 80601
Admin4 Code
Population 0
Elevation 0
Dem 300
Timezone Id Africa/Lagos
Modification Date 2016-06-22
What3words settle.catered.occupant
What3words Place Gummi, Zamfara
Feature populated place: a city, town, village, or other agglomeration of buildings where people live and work
Timezone Africa/Lagos NG GMT 1.0
Country Africa Sub-Saharan Africa Western Africa Nigeria

Nearby Features

Located within 500m of 11.86307,5.11488
Barkin Daji
GNS Dsg Code: PPL
GNS Dsg String: populated place
GNS Id: 10469454
Fixme: no population estimate available, defaulted to village
Is In Country: Nigeria
Place: village
Source: GNS
Lat/Long: 11.8661208/5.1181819
Ford: yes
Lat/Long: 11.8631057/5.1164229
Ford: yes
Lat/Long: 11.8664084/5.1153509
Ford: yes
Lat/Long: 11.8644692/5.1157307
The data included in this document is from The data is made available under ODbL.