Cerro Laguna Verde

Mountain, Ahuachapán

El Salvador

Cerro Laguna Verde

Abarroteria La Barranquilla Tienda de Licores de San José La Majada, Juayua, Sonsonate. El Salvador.
Abarroteria La Barranquilla Credit: San José La Majada

Cerro Laguna Verde, located in Ahuachapán, El Salvador, is a stunning mountain that captivates visitors with its natural beauty and unique features. Standing at an elevation of 2,030 meters (6,660 feet), it is one of the highest peaks in the country and offers breathtaking views of the surrounding landscape.

The mountain gets its name from the enchanting Laguna Verde (Green Lagoon) located at its summit. This emerald-green crater lake is a result of volcanic activity and adds to the mountain's allure. The lake is surrounded by lush vegetation and is a popular spot for hikers and nature enthusiasts.

Cerro Laguna Verde is part of the Apaneca-Ilamatepec mountain range, which is known for its rich biodiversity and diverse ecosystems. While ascending the mountain, visitors will encounter a variety of flora and fauna, including pine and oak forests, colorful wildflowers, and numerous bird species.

The mountain is also home to several hot springs, which are believed to have therapeutic properties due to their high mineral content. These natural spas attract both locals and tourists seeking relaxation and wellness.

Hiking is the primary activity on Cerro Laguna Verde, with a range of trails catering to different levels of difficulty and endurance. Adventurous explorers can challenge themselves by summiting the mountain, while others may prefer to take a leisurely stroll around the Laguna Verde, admiring the picturesque surroundings.

Cerro Laguna Verde is a must-visit destination in El Salvador for those seeking awe-inspiring landscapes, tranquility, and a chance to connect with nature's wonders.

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Cerro Laguna Verde Images

Images are sourced within 20km of lat/long (13.9/-89.78333).

Abarroteria La Barranquilla Tienda de Licores de San José La Majada, Juayua, Sonsonate. El Salvador.
Abarroteria La Barranquilla
Tienda de Licores de San José La Majada, Juayua, Sonsonate. El Salvador.
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Cerro Laguna Verde is a mountain in Ahuachapán, El Salvador. It has an elevation of 1395 meters above sea level. Information correct as at Sunday 19th December 1993.

What 3 Words

///bandits.triathlete.agendas. Near Ahuachapán


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Cerro Laguna Verde Data

Name Value
Id 3585219
Name Cerro Laguna Verde
Asciiname Cerro Laguna Verde
Latitude 13.9
Longitude -89.78333
Feature Class T
Feature Id MT
Country Id SV
Admin1 Code 01
Admin2 Code
Area Id SV.01
District Id SV.01.
Admin3 Code
Admin4 Code
Population 0
Elevation 0
Dem 1395
Timezone Id America/El_Salvador
Modification Date 1993-12-19
What3words bandits.triathlete.agendas
What3words Place Ahuachapán
Feature mountain: an elevation standing high above the surrounding area with small summit area, steep slopes and local relief of 300m or more
Timezone America/El_Salvador SV GMT -6.0
Country Americas Latin America and the Caribbean Central America El Salvador

Nearby Features

Located within 500m of 13.9,-89.78333
Centro Escolar "Arevalo"
Lat/Long: 13.9032316/-89.7819302
Los Arévalo
Place: hamlet
Source: Instituto Geográfico Nacional de El Salvador;National Imagery and Mapping Agency
Lat/Long: 13.9032455/-89.7815887
The data included in this document is from www.openstreetmap.org. The data is made available under ODbL.