Nazlat ad Dawāmi‘

Populated Place, Asyut


Shrines near Tahta Across the river from Tahta, on the edge of the desert

Shrines near Tahta Credit: Stefan Geens

Nazlat ad Dawāmi‘ is a populated place in Asyut, Egypt. It has an elevation of 55 meters above sea level. It is also known as Nazlat ad Dawami`, Nazlat ad Dawāmi‘, Nazlet el-Dawami`, Nazlet el-Dawâmi‘. Information correct as at Thursday 19th January 2012.

Have you been to Nazlat ad Dawāmi‘? Tell us in the comments section below.

Nazlat ad Dawāmi‘ Images

Images are sourced within 20km of lat/long (26.9/31.31667).

Shrines near Tahta Across the river from Tahta, on the edge of the desert
Shrines near Tahta
Across the river from Tahta, on the edge of the desert
Tomb ceiling, Qaw el Kebir Pretty patterns
Tomb ceiling, Qaw el Kebir
Pretty patterns
Kyra checks out the view Standing in relief, ancient Egyptian-style.
Kyra checks out the view
Standing in relief, ancient Egyptian-style.
Ilona, angry, walks up the causeway of Qaw el Kebir Angry because the keeper of the keys had demanded to see our permission to visit the tombs, and the paper was in the bus at the bottom of the hill. BTW, this is one of very few causeways still substantially intact.
Ilona, angry, walks up the causeway of Qaw el Kebir
Angry because the keeper of the keys had demanded to see our permission to visit the tombs, and the paper was in the bus at the bottom of the hill. BTW, this is one of very few causeways still substantially intact.
Qaw el Kebir
Qaw el Kebir
Qaw el Kebir Panoramic view
Qaw el Kebir
Panoramic view
Qaw el Kebir Janet gives her presentation
Qaw el Kebir
Janet gives her presentation
Qaw el Kebir Our escorts amuse themselves while Janet gives her presentation
Qaw el Kebir
Our escorts amuse themselves while Janet gives her presentation
Qaw el Kebir Janet gives her presentation
Qaw el Kebir
Janet gives her presentation
Show me another place!

What 3 Words

///kindnesses.massage.sidewalk. Near Al Badārī, Asyut


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Nazlat ad Dawāmi‘ Data

Name Value
Id 351235
Name Nazlat ad Dawāmi‘
Asciiname Nazlat ad Dawami`
Alternatenames Nazlat ad Dawami`;Nazlat ad Dawāmi‘;Nazlet el-Dawami`;Nazlet el-Dawâmi‘
Latitude 26.9
Longitude 31.31667
Feature Class P
Feature Id PPL
Country Id EG
Admin1 Code 17
Admin2 Code
Area Id EG.17
District Id EG.17.
Admin3 Code
Admin4 Code
Population 0
Elevation 0
Dem 55
Timezone Id Africa/Cairo
Modification Date 2012-01-19
What3words kindnesses.massage.sidewalk
What3words Place Al Badārī, Asyut
Feature populated place: a city, town, village, or other agglomeration of buildings where people live and work
Timezone Africa/Cairo EG GMT 2.0
Country Africa Northern Africa Egypt