Adrar Dersáne

Hill, Kidal


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Credit: spirobolos

Adrar Dersáne is a hill in Kidal, Mali. It has an elevation of 465 meters above sea level. It is also known as Adrar Dersan, Adrar Dersane, Adrar Dersáne. Information correct as at Wednesday 18th January 2012.

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Adrar Dersáne Images

Images are sourced within 20km of lat/long (19.32417/-0.09222).

 Processed with VSCO with e6 preset
Processed with VSCO with e6 preset
 Processed with VSCO with e6 preset
Processed with VSCO with e6 preset
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What 3 Words

///cladding.elongated.triathletes. Near Kidal


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Adrar Dersáne Data

Name Value
Id 2459186
Name Adrar Dersáne
Asciiname Adrar Dersane
Alternatenames Adrar Dersan;Adrar Dersane;Adrar Dersáne
Latitude 19.32417
Longitude -0.09222
Feature Class T
Feature Id HLL
Country Id ML
Admin1 Code 10
Admin2 Code
Area Id ML.10
District Id ML.10.
Admin3 Code
Admin4 Code
Population 0
Elevation 0
Dem 465
Timezone Id Africa/Bamako
Modification Date 2012-01-18
What3words cladding.elongated.triathletes
What3words Place Kidal
Feature hill: a rounded elevation of limited extent rising above the surrounding land with local relief of less than 300m
Timezone Africa/Bamako ML GMT 0.0
Country Africa Sub-Saharan Africa Western Africa Mali