
Populated Place,



Ananikrom is a small village located in the Ashanti Region of Ghana. It is situated in the Amansie West District, approximately 30 kilometers northwest of the regional capital, Kumasi. The village is home to around 800 people, most of whom are farmers and rely on subsistence agriculture for their livelihoods.

The landscape of Ananikrom is characterized by rolling hills and dense forests, which provide the village with a natural beauty that attracts tourists and visitors from neighboring towns. The village is also known for its traditional pottery, which is made using locally-sourced clay and fired in kilns that have been used for generations.

Despite its rural location, Ananikrom has access to basic amenities such as electricity, clean water, and mobile phone networks. The village has a small health clinic and a primary school, but secondary education is not available locally, requiring students to travel to nearby towns for further studies.

The people of Ananikrom are hospitable and welcoming to visitors, and the village has a strong sense of community. Traditional festivals and ceremonies are an integral part of village life, and visitors are often invited to participate in these events. Overall, Ananikrom offers a glimpse into the rural lifestyle and culture of Ghana, making it a unique and worthwhile destination for travelers.

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Ananikrom is a populated place in , Ghana. It has an elevation of 180 meters above sea level. It is also known as Ananekurom, Ananikrom. Information correct as at Wednesday 18th January 2012.

What 3 Words

///falter.hence.detouring. Near Agogo, Ashanti


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Ananikrom Data

Name Value
Id 2304656
Name Ananikrom
Asciiname Ananikrom
Alternatenames Ananekurom;Ananikrom
Latitude 6.91398
Longitude -1.0164
Feature Class P
Feature Id PPL
Country Id GH
Admin1 Code 00
Admin2 Code
Area Id GH.00
District Id GH.00.
Admin3 Code
Admin4 Code
Population 0
Elevation 0
Dem 180
Timezone Id Africa/Accra
Modification Date 2012-01-18
What3words falter.hence.detouring
What3words Place Agogo, Ashanti
Feature populated place: a city, town, village, or other agglomeration of buildings where people live and work
Timezone Africa/Accra GH GMT 0.0
Country Africa Sub-Saharan Africa Western Africa Ghana

Nearby Features

Located within 500m of 6.91398,-1.0164
Place: village
Lat/Long: 6.9145464/-1.0170794
The data included in this document is from The data is made available under ODbL.