Ban Miyiam

Populated Place, Savannahkhét

Lao People's Democratic Republic

2017-08-11 16.03.32

2017-08-11 16.03.32 Credit: hypermobility

Ban Miyiam is a populated place in Savannahkhét, Lao People's Democratic Republic. It has an elevation of 129 meters above sea level. It is also known as Ban Mi Vem, Ban Mi Yem, Ban Miyiam, Ban Myiam, Ban Nhyem. Information correct as at Wednesday 3rd August 2016.

Have you been to Ban Miyiam? Tell us in the comments section below.

Ban Miyiam Images

Images are sourced within 20km of lat/long (16.08793/105.32953).

2017-08-11 16.03.32
2017-08-11 16.03.32
2017-08-11 16.03.37
2017-08-11 16.03.37
GUN_4257 Sam Pan Bok
Sam Pan Bok
GUN_4127 Sam Pan Bok
Sam Pan Bok
GUN_4144 Sam Pan Bok
Sam Pan Bok
GUN_4206 Sam Pan Bok
Sam Pan Bok
GUN_4114 Sam Pan Bok
Sam Pan Bok
GUN_4237 Sam Pan Bok
Sam Pan Bok
/=/ สามพันโบก, อุบลราชธานี
Ubon Ratchathani, Thailand
สามพันโบก, อุบลราชธานี Ubon Ratchathani, Thailand
2017-08-11 14.45.41
2017-08-11 14.45.41
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What 3 Words

///appreciated.festered.iniquity. Near Amnat Charoen


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Ban Miyiam Data

Name Value
Id 1662281
Name Ban Miyiam
Asciiname Ban Miyiam
Alternatenames Ban Mi Vem;Ban Mi Yem;Ban Miyiam;Ban Myiam;Ban Nhyem
Latitude 16.08793
Longitude 105.32953
Feature Class P
Feature Id PPL
Country Id LA
Admin1 Code 20
Admin2 Code
Area Id LA.20
District Id LA.20.
Admin3 Code
Admin4 Code
Population 0
Elevation 0
Dem 129
Timezone Id Asia/Vientiane
Modification Date 2016-08-03
What3words appreciated.festered.iniquity
What3words Place Amnat Charoen
Feature populated place: a city, town, village, or other agglomeration of buildings where people live and work
Timezone Asia/Vientiane LA GMT 7.0
Country Asia South-eastern Asia Lao People's Democratic Republic

Nearby Features

Located within 500m of 16.08793,105.32953
Ban Miyiam
Name En: Ban Miyiam
Place: village
Lat/Long: 16.0845579/105.3291678
The data included in this document is from The data is made available under ODbL.