Places near Nigeria

Places near Nigeria including Nigerian College of Aviation Technology and Nigerian Institute for Mining and Geoscience

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Nigerian College of Aviation Technology 

The Nigerian College of Aviation Technology (NCAT) is a federally-owned institution located in Sabon Gari, Kaduna state, Nigeria. The college was established in 1964 and is accredited by the Nigerian Civil Aviation Authority (NCAA) and the...

Nigerian College of Aviation Technology


The Nigerian College of Aviation Technology (NCAT) is a federally-owned institution located in Sabon Gari, Kaduna state, Nigeria. The college was established in 1964 and is accredited by the Nigerian Civil Aviation Authority (NCAA) and the...
Sabon Gari




Wednesday 22nd June 2016

CO 1069-62-77 <b>Description:</b> SOP.GSR. 4372. Jos LDG. ground. 14-11-29. 1640. F10" 1500'

<b>Location:</b> Jos, Nigeria

<b>Date:</b> 14-Nov-29

<b>Our Catalogue Reference:</b> Part of CO 1069/62

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Nigerian Institute for Mining and Geoscience


The Nigerian Institute for Mining and Geoscience (NIMG), located in Jos North, Plateau, Nigeria, is a renowned university specializing in the fields of mining and geoscience studies. Established in 2011, the institute aims to provide high-quality...
Jos North




Thursday 16th July 2015


Nigerian Navy Barracks

Military Installation

a facility for use of and control by armed forces

Amuwo Odofin




Saturday 30th January 2016