Places near Aden

Places near Aden including Abkārī and Abū ‘Ubaydah

1 - 50 of 443

Children play with the remnants of a spent cluster bomb in Sadah, Yemen (Peter Salisbury - Vice News) The Yemeni Civil War is an ongoing multilateral civil war that began in late 2014 mainly between the Rashad al-Alimi-led Yemeni government and the Houthi armed movement, along with their supporters and allies.
Both claim to constitute the official government of Yemen.


Customs House

The Customs House Abkari, located in Aden, Yemen, is a significant administrative building that plays a crucial role in the country's import and export operations. The facility serves as a customs office responsible for monitoring and regulating...




Thursday 19th January 2012

s0115 Situationsplan von Aden 2663 MeyA4B1 Meyers Konversations-Lexikon Erster Band © © Adēn, eine seit 1839 den Engländern gehörende Halbinsel an dem beinahe südlichsten Punkte der arabischen Küste, unter 12° 17' nördl. Br. und 45° 10' östl. L. v. Gr., hat 24,2 km Umfang und hängt mit dem Festland durch einen niedrigen Streifen Landes von 1233 m Breite zusammen (s. Plan). Sie ist vulkanischen Ursprungs und besteht aus einem großen Krater mit steilen Rändern, deren oberster Punkt, Dschebil Schamscham, 541 m hoch ist. Im Innern des Kraters liegt, von hohen, ganz vegetationslosen Felsmassen umgeben, die Stadt A., 37 m ü. M., mit einem natürlichen Thor (Kratereinschnitt) gegen O., gegenüber der befestigten Insel Sirah. A. war sowohl zur römischen Kaiserzeit als namentlich im Mittelalter ein wichtiger Handelsplatz und muß damals eine sehr große Bevölkerung gehabt haben; noch jetzt stehen die meisten Häuser auf Ruinen. Später geriet es in Verfall; 1838 war die Einwohnerzahl auf 600 gesunken. Die Engländer, durch Mißhandlung Schiffbrüchiger von seiten der Küstenbewohner veranlaßt, eroberten die Halbinsel 9. Jan. 1839 im Sturm, befestigten sie stark und machten sie zu einem äußerst wichtigen Kohlen- und Warendepot für die Schiffe, die den Verkehr zwischen Indien und Europa durch das Rote Meer vermitteln. Jährlich legen hier 600-700 Dampfer, 100 Segelschiffe und 900 arabische Barken an, und die Ausfuhr von Kaffee, Harz, Federn, Perlen, Häuten und Fellen ist bedeutend. Der Handel mit England wertete 1882 in der Einfuhr 258,016, in der Ausfuhr 129,894 Pfd. Sterl. Die Einwohnerzahl betrug 1881: 34,860, darunter 27,022 Mohammedaner, 2666 Hindu, 2595 Christen, 2121 Juden. Seit Eröffnung des Suezkanals hat sich die Bedeutung der Stadt, welche den Eingang zum Roten Meer zwar nicht beherrscht, aber eine höchst wichtige Flottenstation ist, von der aus der Eingang zu jenem Meer blockiert werden kann, ungemein gehoben. Der vollkommenen Ausnutzung der Lage steht zur Zeit nur noch die Schwierigkeit der Süßwasserbeschaffung entgegen. Quellen fehlen gänzlich, und das Trinkwasser muß teilweise durch Destillation von Seewasser beschafft werden, wenn die durch die Römer in Staffeln in die Felsen gehauenen, von den Engländern restaurierten Zisternen versagen. Die Engländer haben die Halbinsel der Präsidentschaft Bombay unterstellt, dem Residenten jedoch seiner isolierten Lage wegen seit 1864 größere Befugnisse eingeräumt. Die Entfernung von Bombay beträgt 1819 Seemeilen, die Reisezeit mit den Dampfern 7 Tage. Ein Kabel verbindet A. mit Bombay und Suez sowie mit Sansibar und Kapstadt. Mit den kleinen Reichen auf dem gegenüberliegenden Festland Arabiens wird das beste Einvernehmen gepflogen. Vgl. Hunter, Account of the British settlement of A. (Lond. 1878).
s0115 Situationsplan von Aden 2663 MeyA4B1 Meyers Konversations-Lexikon Erster Band ©

Abū ‘Ubaydah

Military Installation

Abu `Ubaydah is a military installation located in Aden, Yemen. Situated in the southern part of the country, Aden serves as an important strategic location due to its proximity to the Bab-el-Mandeb strait, a crucial international shipping route...




Tuesday 30th September 2014

CO 1069-677-63 <b>Description:</b> Qa Dzahar and Djabal Badan

<b>Location:</b> Yemen

<b>Date:</b> 1952

<b>Description:</b> Giblah 

<b>Location:</b> Yemen

<b>Date:</b> 1952

<b>Our Catalogue Reference:</b> Part of CO 1069/677

This image is part of the Colonial Office photographic collection held at The National Archives.  Feel free to share it within the spirit of the Commons

Please use the comments section below the pictures to share any information you have about the people, places or events shown. We have attempted to provide place information for the images automatically but our software may not have found the correct location.

For high quality reproductions of any item from our collection please contact our <a href="" rel="nofollow">image library</a>

Ad Dakkah

Section Of Populated Place

Ad Dakkah is a section of the populated place located in the city of Aden, Yemen. Situated in the southwestern part of the country, Aden serves as the temporary capital of Yemen since the Houthi insurgency in 2014. Ad Dakkah is one of the...




Wednesday 22nd June 2016



Aden, South Australia, Australia is a small rural town in the Outback of Australia. It is situated in the Flinders Ranges, an area made up of rugged hills and dry riverbeds. Its population of around 200 people live in mostly rural surroundings...
Wattle Range

South Australia



Tuesday 8th April 2014

Floating Dead Scilla



The Hotel Aden is a charming and cozy accommodation located in Lower Saxony, Germany. Situated in the heart of a picturesque town, this hotel offers a comfortable and convenient stay for both leisure and business travelers. With its prime...

Lower Saxony



Tuesday 2nd June 2015

Hafen Deggendorf Donau Hochwasser 2024 4 Der Hafen in Deggendorf mit Hochwassermauern und -Schutz ausgestattet wurde gezielt geflutet um einen Druckausgleich zum drückenden Grundwasserspiegel zu schaffen. Der lange Arm des Jachthafens wurde komplett vom Hochwasser überspült und war nicht mehr sichtbar.

Diese Bilder zeigen das Ausmaß der Hochwasserkatastrophe in Deggendorf, Niederbayern, Deutschland. Sie können Videos in 6k vom Hochwasser auf Pond5 in der Sammlung "Flood 2024 Bavaria Germany" kaufen. <a href="" rel="noreferrer nofollow"></a>. Die Bilder in diesem Album dürfen mit Namensnennung verwendet werden. Bitte verlinken Sie mich mit einem Do-Follow-Link zu meiner Homepage <a href="" rel="noreferrer nofollow"></a> und dem Namen "Christoph Klüpfel". Ich würde mich natürlich über eine Nachricht freuen, die mir mitteilt, wo Sie die Bilder verwendet haben.



Aden, Lower Bavaria, Bavaria, Germany is a beautiful small town that offers quiet and peaceful living. Situated in the foothills of the Bavarian Alps, Aden is surrounded by lush green rolling hills and stunning mountain views. The town offers a...
Lower Bavaria




Tuesday 19th February 2013

23: Somewhere #ifonografi


Populated Place

Aden is a populated place located in the Orange Free State province of South Africa. Situated in the eastern part of the province, near the border with Lesotho, Aden is a small rural settlement with a population of approximately 1,000 residents....

Orange Free State

South Africa


Thursday 12th July 2012

Debengeni waterfall near Tzaneen Debengeni Falls at the foot of the Magoebaskloof near Tzaneen in Limpopo (South Africa).

Limpopo 2023, photo by fraganda, free to use under Creative Commons license CC BY-SA 4.0



Aden Farm is a sprawling agricultural estate located in the Limpopo province of South Africa. It covers an extensive area of land, encompassing various types of farming activities. The farm's primary focus is on livestock production, with a...


South Africa


Wednesday 1st October 2014

Milvus migrans (Black Kite) Black Kite (Milvus migrans) along the Chobe River Road, Chobe National Park, Botswana. Photographed on 11 June 2018.

<a href="" rel="noreferrer nofollow"></a>



Aden Farm is a vast agricultural estate located in the North-West province of South Africa. Covering an expansive area of fertile land, the farm is surrounded by picturesque landscapes and is renowned for its rich agricultural practices. The...


South Africa


Thursday 12th July 2012

Debengeni waterfall near Tzaneen Debengeni Falls at the foot of the Magoebaskloof near Tzaneen in Limpopo (South Africa).

Limpopo 2023, photo by fraganda, free to use under Creative Commons license CC BY-SA 4.0



Aden is a picturesque farm located in the Limpopo province of South Africa. Situated amidst rolling hills and breathtaking landscapes, the farm covers a vast area of land, making it an ideal destination for nature enthusiasts and those seeking...


South Africa


Wednesday 11th July 2012

Levaillant's Cuckoo  (Clamator levaillantii)



Aden Farm, located in Limpopo, South Africa, is a sprawling agricultural property that covers a significant area of fertile land. Situated in the magnificent Soutpansberg Mountains, the farm benefits from a diverse range of ecosystems and natural...


South Africa


Wednesday 11th July 2012

In loving memory


Populated Locality

Aden is a populated locality located in the municipality of Sorocaba, in the state of São Paulo, Brazil. It is situated approximately 92 kilometers (57 miles) southwest of the state capital, São Paulo. Aden is a part of the Sorocaba metropolitan...

São Paulo



Friday 3rd August 2012

s0115 Situationsplan von Aden 2663 MeyA4B1 Meyers Konversations-Lexikon Erster Band © © Adēn, eine seit 1839 den Engländern gehörende Halbinsel an dem beinahe südlichsten Punkte der arabischen Küste, unter 12° 17' nördl. Br. und 45° 10' östl. L. v. Gr., hat 24,2 km Umfang und hängt mit dem Festland durch einen niedrigen Streifen Landes von 1233 m Breite zusammen (s. Plan). Sie ist vulkanischen Ursprungs und besteht aus einem großen Krater mit steilen Rändern, deren oberster Punkt, Dschebil Schamscham, 541 m hoch ist. Im Innern des Kraters liegt, von hohen, ganz vegetationslosen Felsmassen umgeben, die Stadt A., 37 m ü. M., mit einem natürlichen Thor (Kratereinschnitt) gegen O., gegenüber der befestigten Insel Sirah. A. war sowohl zur römischen Kaiserzeit als namentlich im Mittelalter ein wichtiger Handelsplatz und muß damals eine sehr große Bevölkerung gehabt haben; noch jetzt stehen die meisten Häuser auf Ruinen. Später geriet es in Verfall; 1838 war die Einwohnerzahl auf 600 gesunken. Die Engländer, durch Mißhandlung Schiffbrüchiger von seiten der Küstenbewohner veranlaßt, eroberten die Halbinsel 9. Jan. 1839 im Sturm, befestigten sie stark und machten sie zu einem äußerst wichtigen Kohlen- und Warendepot für die Schiffe, die den Verkehr zwischen Indien und Europa durch das Rote Meer vermitteln. Jährlich legen hier 600-700 Dampfer, 100 Segelschiffe und 900 arabische Barken an, und die Ausfuhr von Kaffee, Harz, Federn, Perlen, Häuten und Fellen ist bedeutend. Der Handel mit England wertete 1882 in der Einfuhr 258,016, in der Ausfuhr 129,894 Pfd. Sterl. Die Einwohnerzahl betrug 1881: 34,860, darunter 27,022 Mohammedaner, 2666 Hindu, 2595 Christen, 2121 Juden. Seit Eröffnung des Suezkanals hat sich die Bedeutung der Stadt, welche den Eingang zum Roten Meer zwar nicht beherrscht, aber eine höchst wichtige Flottenstation ist, von der aus der Eingang zu jenem Meer blockiert werden kann, ungemein gehoben. Der vollkommenen Ausnutzung der Lage steht zur Zeit nur noch die Schwierigkeit der Süßwasserbeschaffung entgegen. Quellen fehlen gänzlich, und das Trinkwasser muß teilweise durch Destillation von Seewasser beschafft werden, wenn die durch die Römer in Staffeln in die Felsen gehauenen, von den Engländern restaurierten Zisternen versagen. Die Engländer haben die Halbinsel der Präsidentschaft Bombay unterstellt, dem Residenten jedoch seiner isolierten Lage wegen seit 1864 größere Befugnisse eingeräumt. Die Entfernung von Bombay beträgt 1819 Seemeilen, die Reisezeit mit den Dampfern 7 Tage. Ein Kabel verbindet A. mit Bombay und Suez sowie mit Sansibar und Kapstadt. Mit den kleinen Reichen auf dem gegenüberliegenden Festland Arabiens wird das beste Einvernehmen gepflogen. Vgl. Hunter, Account of the British settlement of A. (Lond. 1878).
s0115 Situationsplan von Aden 2663 MeyA4B1 Meyers Konversations-Lexikon Erster Band ©


Seat Of A First-order Administrative Division

Aden, also known as Aden City, is a major port city located in the southern part of Yemen, on the Arabian Peninsula. It serves as the capital of the Aden Governorate. Positioned on the Gulf of Aden, the city has a strategic location, making it an...




Thursday 19th January 2012


Aden, Nimba County, Liberia is a populated place located in the northwest of the country, near the border with Guinea and Cote d'Ivoire. The population of Aden is estimated at around 5,000 people, most of whom are from the Gola, Loma and Kpelle...


Populated Place

Aden, Nimba County, Liberia is a populated place located in the northwest of the country, near the border with Guinea and Cote d'Ivoire. The population of Aden is estimated at around 5,000 people, most of whom are from the Gola, Loma and Kpelle...




Thursday 6th January 1994

Sweetgrass hills Montana 2024


Populated Locality

Aden is a small, rural populated locality located in southeastern Alberta, Canada. Situated in the County of Warner No. 5, it is approximately 50 kilometers southeast of the town of Milk River. Aden is positioned near the southern border of...




Wednesday 18th January 2006

Mogadischu airport fence 20230326_173409

Aden Adde International Airport


Aden Adde International Airport is the largest airport in Somalia, located in Banaadir, the capital city of Mogadishu. It is named after the former Prime Minister of Somalia, Aden Abdullah Osman Daar. The airport covers an area of 450 hectares...




Sunday 10th November 2013

Children play with the remnants of a spent cluster bomb in Sadah, Yemen (Peter Salisbury - Vice News) The Yemeni Civil War is an ongoing multilateral civil war that began in late 2014 mainly between the Rashad al-Alimi-led Yemeni government and the Houthi armed movement, along with their supporters and allies.
Both claim to constitute the official government of Yemen.

Aden Airport


Aden Airport, located in the city of Aden, Yemen, is one of the major airports in the country. It serves as a crucial transportation hub, connecting Aden with both domestic and international destinations. The airport is situated approximately 10...




Sunday 26th April 2015

Aden Awale 

Aden Awale is a small locality located in the Wajir County of Kenya. It is situated in the northeastern part of the country, and it is home to a population of around 5000 people. The community is predominantly made up of pastoralists who rely...

Aden Awale


Aden Awale is a small locality located in the Wajir County of Kenya. It is situated in the northeastern part of the country, and it is home to a population of around 5000 people. The community is predominantly made up of pastoralists who rely...




Tuesday 6th June 2017

Children play with the remnants of a spent cluster bomb in Sadah, Yemen (Peter Salisbury - Vice News) The Yemeni Civil War is an ongoing multilateral civil war that began in late 2014 mainly between the Rashad al-Alimi-led Yemeni government and the Houthi armed movement, along with their supporters and allies.
Both claim to constitute the official government of Yemen.

Aden College


Aden College, located in Aden, Yemen, is a prestigious educational institution offering a wide range of academic programs. Established in [year], the college has a rich history and is recognized for its commitment to excellence in education. As...




Thursday 19th January 2012

Aden Dheere Aden Dheere is a prominent hill located in the Hiiraan region of Somalia. Situated near the town of Beledweyne, it stands as an iconic landmark in the area. The hill is known for its unique geographical features and historical...

Aden Dheere


Aden Dheere is a prominent hill located in the Hiiraan region of Somalia. Situated near the town of Beledweyne, it stands as an iconic landmark in the area. The hill is known for its unique geographical features and historical...




Monday 16th January 2012

Colorado Wildflowers Wildflowers

Aden Hall


Aden Hall is a historic building located in Colorado, United States of America. This impressive structure was built in the late 19th century and has since become an iconic landmark in the region. Aden Hall is situated in a picturesque setting,...


United States of America


Friday 16th February 2007

Pulling face Beijing, April 2024

This is China~~ 

<a href="" rel="noreferrer nofollow">500px</a>

<a href="" rel="noreferrer nofollow">Facebook</a>

<a href="" rel="noreferrer nofollow">Instagram</a>

Aden Hotel


Aden Hotel is a well-established hotel located in the Dongcheng district of Beijing, China. Situated in the heart of the city, it offers convenient access to major attractions, business centers, and shopping malls. The hotel is easily accessible,...




Sunday 11th January 2015

Children play with the remnants of a spent cluster bomb in Sadah, Yemen (Peter Salisbury - Vice News) The Yemeni Civil War is an ongoing multilateral civil war that began in late 2014 mainly between the Rashad al-Alimi-led Yemeni government and the Houthi armed movement, along with their supporters and allies.
Both claim to constitute the official government of Yemen.

Aden International Airport


Aden International Airport, located in the city of Aden, Yemen, is the main airport serving the southern region of the country. Situated approximately 10 kilometers east of the city center, it is the second-busiest airport in Yemen after Sana'a...




Monday 9th November 2015

Aden Ka Ali Gollo Pan Aden Ka Ali Gollo is a small village located in the Wajir County of Kenya. Situated in the northeastern part of the country, the village is part of the larger Wajir East Constituency. Pan Aden Ka Ali Gollo is home to a predominantly...

Aden Ka Ali Gollo


Pan Aden Ka Ali Gollo is a small village located in the Wajir County of Kenya. Situated in the northeastern part of the country, the village is part of the larger Wajir East Constituency. Pan Aden Ka Ali Gollo is home to a predominantly...




Tuesday 6th June 2017

CO 1069-133-3 <b>Description:</b> Aden

<b>Location:</b> Aden

<b>Description:</b> Nairobi Station- Uganda Rty.

<b>Location:</b> Nairobi, Uganda

<b>Our Catalogue Reference:</b> Part of CO 1069/133

This image is part of the Colonial Office photographic collection held at The National Archives, uploaded as part of the Africa Through a Lens project. Feel free to share it within the spirit of the Commons.

Our records about many of these images are limited. If you have more information about the people, places or events shown in an image, please use the comments section below. We have attempted to provide place information for the images automatically but our software may not have found the correct location.

Alternatively you could use the <a href="" rel="nofollow">Suggestify</a> tool to suggest the location of a picture.

For high quality reproductions of any item from our collection please contact our <a href="" rel="nofollow">image library</a>

Aden Libah

Populated Place

Aden Libah is a populated place located in the Somali region of Ethiopia. It is situated in the eastern part of the country, close to the border with Somalia. The town has a population of around 20,000 people, predominantly of Somali ethnicity....




Thursday 19th January 2012

Ann Arbor Dance Classics 2024 Recital (Milan High School, Michigan) - Thursday Rehearsal Pictures Rehearsals for the Ann Arbor Dance Classics 2024 Recital on Thursday June 13th, 2024.  Performances were held on Friday June 14th and Saturday June 15th at Milan High School (Milan, Michigan).

Aden Mead Park


Aden Mead Park is a stunning recreational area located in Michigan, United States of America. Spanning over a sprawling landscape of approximately 100 acres, the park offers a serene and picturesque retreat for visitors of all ages. Renowned for...


United States of America


Friday 5th February 2010

Kepler Beech Forest The Kepler Track is a 60 km circular hiking track which travels through the landscape of the South Island of New Zealand and is situated near the town of Te Anau and walks through the beech-forested shorelines of lakes Te Anau and Manapouri

Aden Motel


The Aden Motel is a charming accommodation located in the Southland District of Southland, New Zealand. Situated in a picturesque setting, the motel offers a peaceful and relaxing stay for its guests. The motel features a range of comfortable...
Southland District


New Zealand


Tuesday 3rd March 2015

Children play with the remnants of a spent cluster bomb in Sadah, Yemen (Peter Salisbury - Vice News) The Yemeni Civil War is an ongoing multilateral civil war that began in late 2014 mainly between the Rashad al-Alimi-led Yemeni government and the Houthi armed movement, along with their supporters and allies.
Both claim to constitute the official government of Yemen.

Aden Peninsula


The Aden Peninsula is a geographic feature located in the city of Aden, Yemen. Situated on the southern coast of the Arabian Peninsula, it juts out into the Gulf of Aden, forming a natural harbor that has historically been of great strategic...




Sunday 6th August 2017

Pilze. Hainholz bei Düna.



Aden-Berg is a prominent mountain located in Lower Saxony, Germany. With an elevation of 480 meters (1574 feet), it is one of the highest peaks in the region. Situated near the town of Adenstedt, the mountain offers breathtaking views of the...

Lower Saxony



Sunday 29th November 2015

Star Lake NY DJI Mavic 3 - Aerial Photography



Aden-Su is a stream located in Kazakhstan, a landlocked country in Central Asia. The stream originates from the Aden-Su Glacier, which is part of the Tian Shan mountain range. The Tian Shan mountain range stretches across several countries,...



Tuesday 1st March 1994

Adena Adena Mountain is located in the Gash-Barka region of Eritrea, a country situated in the Horn of Africa. It is part of the larger Gash-Barka highlands and is known for its rugged and majestic beauty. 

Rising to an elevation of approximately...



Adena Mountain is located in the Gash-Barka region of Eritrea, a country situated in the Horn of Africa. It is part of the larger Gash-Barka highlands and is known for its rugged and majestic beauty. Rising to an elevation of approximately...




Thursday 19th January 2012

Mountain laurel Peak bloom found on ST, mile 80-84.

Adena Arch


The Adena Arch, located in Kentucky, United States of America, is a natural rock formation that has become a popular tourist attraction and a significant geological landmark. The arch is situated within the Daniel Boone National Forest,...


United States of America


Wednesday 3rd February 2010


Adena Regional Medical Center


Adena Regional Medical Center, located in Chillicothe, Ohio, is a leading healthcare facility serving the residents of Ross County and surrounding areas. Established in 1895, it has a long-standing reputation for providing high-quality medical...


United States of America


Tuesday 23rd May 2017

School construction in Eritrea Thanks to the support of a GPE grant, communities in several districts in Eritrea are participating in school construction to build newer classrooms.

Eritrea, October 2017 
Credit: GPE/Fazle Rabbani

Learn more: <a href="" rel="noreferrer nofollow"></a>

Adena Shet’

Intermittent Stream

The Adena Shet' is an intermittent stream located in the Maekel region of Eritrea. It is situated in the central part of the country, approximately 90 kilometers southeast of the capital city, Asmara. The stream originates from the surrounding...




Sunday 5th August 2012

Fort Henry Club Building 2024 Wheeling, WV - Fort Henry Club Building after renovations completed.

Adena Volunteer Fire Company


The Adena Volunteer Fire Company is a prominent building located in Adena, Ohio, United States of America. Situated in the heart of the town, this fire station serves as a crucial hub for emergency response and fire protection services in the...


United States of America


Tuesday 23rd May 2017

Adenagadodede Soela The Adenagadodede Soela Rapids is a natural wonder located in the Sipaliwini district of Suriname, a country in South America. Situated in the southern part of the country, these rapids are a popular tourist attraction for both local and...

Adenagadodede Soela


The Adenagadodede Soela Rapids is a natural wonder located in the Sipaliwini district of Suriname, a country in South America. Situated in the southern part of the country, these rapids are a popular tourist attraction for both local and...




Wednesday 15th December 1993

Adenagéso Adenageso well is situated in the region of Kanem in Chad, a landlocked country in Central Africa. It is a significant water source that plays a vital role in sustaining the local community and surrounding areas.

The well is located in a rural...



Adenageso well is situated in the region of Kanem in Chad, a landlocked country in Central Africa. It is a significant water source that plays a vital role in sustaining the local community and surrounding areas. The well is located in a rural...




Tuesday 24th February 2009

620 030, Satzvey, 24.06.2024, RE 22 (10024)


Populated Place

Adenau is a small town located in the Rhineland-Palatinate state of Germany. Situated in the district of Ahrweiler, the town lies in the picturesque Eifel region, nestled among rolling hills and lush valleys. Adenau is situated approximately 70...




Saturday 5th September 2015

Am Bahnhof Mechernich (146FJAKA_0129) Title in other languages:
<b>English: </b> At railway station Mechernich, Germany
<b>Nederlands: </b> Bij de treinstation Mechernich (Duitsland)


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Willkommen und vielen Dank, dass Sie hier sind! Dieses Bild stellt Teil einer Sammlung von Fotografien von Augenblicken auf dem Planet Erde dar.
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Fourth-order Administrative Division

Adenau is a picturesque town located in the Rheinland-Pfalz region of Germany. Situated in the Eifel Mountains, it is known for its stunning natural beauty and rich history. With a population of around 3,000 inhabitants, Adenau offers a charming...




Thursday 2nd January 2014

MS ARQUERO Schüttgutfrachter bei Mannheim auf dem Rhein zu Berg

Adenauer Square


Adenauer Square, also known as Adenauerplatz, is a vibrant public square located in the Karlsruhe Region of Baden-Württemberg, Germany. Named after Konrad Adenauer, the first Chancellor of West Germany, it serves as a central meeting point and a...
Karlsruhe Region




Saturday 19th December 2015

Castle Gudenau Wachtberg



Adenauer-Bach is a picturesque stream located in the region of Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany. Flowing through the idyllic countryside, this stream is a natural beauty that captivates locals and tourists alike. Adenauer-Bach is named after the nearby...




Thursday 6th September 2012

20240615_Göllheim_0408 Das Königskreuzrennen in Göllheim am 1. Juni 2024. Das Video zum Rennen: <a href="" rel="noreferrer nofollow"></a>


Seat Of A Fourth-order Administrative Division

Adenbach is a small village located in the state of Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany. Situated in the picturesque Westerwald region, it lies approximately 20 kilometers southeast of the city of Koblenz. Adenbach is nestled amidst rolling hills and lush...




Monday 25th April 2011

20240615_Göllheim_0408 Das Königskreuzrennen in Göllheim am 1. Juni 2024. Das Video zum Rennen: <a href="" rel="noreferrer nofollow"></a>


Fourth-order Administrative Division

Adenbach is a small municipality located in the district of Kusel in the state of Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany. Situated amidst picturesque rolling hills and lush green landscapes, Adenbach is a serene and idyllic village that is known for its...




Thursday 2nd January 2014

ÖA Feuerwehren aus dem Bezirk Flachgau21 Großbrand in der Gemeinde Göming - Alarmstufe 4



Adenberg is a prominent mountain located in the Politischer Bezirk Braunau am Inn in the Upper Austria region of Austria. It is situated near the town of Neukirchen an der Enknach and stands as a significant landmark in the area. Rising to an...
Politischer Bezirk Braunau am Inn

Upper Austria



Friday 2nd May 2014

Hafen Deggendorf Donau Hochwasser 2024 4 Der Hafen in Deggendorf mit Hochwassermauern und -Schutz ausgestattet wurde gezielt geflutet um einen Druckausgleich zum drückenden Grundwasserspiegel zu schaffen. Der lange Arm des Jachthafens wurde komplett vom Hochwasser überspült und war nicht mehr sichtbar.

Diese Bilder zeigen das Ausmaß der Hochwasserkatastrophe in Deggendorf, Niederbayern, Deutschland. Sie können Videos in 6k vom Hochwasser auf Pond5 in der Sammlung "Flood 2024 Bavaria Germany" kaufen. <a href="" rel="noreferrer nofollow"></a>. Die Bilder in diesem Album dürfen mit Namensnennung verwendet werden. Bitte verlinken Sie mich mit einem Do-Follow-Link zu meiner Homepage <a href="" rel="noreferrer nofollow"></a> und dem Namen "Christoph Klüpfel". Ich würde mich natürlich über eine Nachricht freuen, die mir mitteilt, wo Sie die Bilder verwendet haben.


Populated Place

Adenberg is a small, picturesque village located in the Bavarian region of Lower Bavaria, Germany. It is situated in a valley surrounded by rolling hills and lush forests, creating a tranquil and tranquil atmosphere. The village is a popular...
Lower Bavaria




Tuesday 19th February 2013

Marie ANDC 14.04.2024 Austrian National Dance Championship Wels


Populated Place

Adenbruck is a small populated place located in the Politischer Bezirk Grieskirchen, in the state of Upper Austria, Austria. Situated in the picturesque countryside, Adenbruck is surrounded by rolling hills and lush green fields. The village is...
Politischer Bezirk Grieskirchen

Upper Austria



Friday 2nd May 2014

ÖA Feuerwehren aus dem Bezirk Flachgau3 Großbrand in der Gemeinde Göming - Alarmstufe 4


Populated Place

Adenbrunn is a small populated place located in the Politischer Bezirk Braunau am Inn in the Upper Austria region of Austria. It is situated in the northern part of the country, near the border with Germany. Adenbrunn is surrounded by picturesque...
Politischer Bezirk Braunau am Inn

Upper Austria



Friday 14th July 2017

Last Leitbake standing jedenfalls so leidlich


Seat Of A Fourth-order Administrative Division

Adenbüttel is a small village located in the region of Lower Saxony, Germany. Situated approximately 20 kilometers southeast of the city of Braunschweig, it is part of the Gifhorn district. The village is surrounded by picturesque countryside,...

Lower Saxony



Friday 18th September 2015

Nach dem Regen 240621 011.jpg


Fourth-order Administrative Division

Adenbuettel is a small village located in the state of Lower Saxony, Germany. Situated in the district of Gifhorn, it lies approximately 18 kilometers southeast of the city of Wolfsburg. The village is surrounded by scenic landscapes,...

Lower Saxony



Thursday 2nd January 2014

Wartebereich Hochhaus Büsum Es dürfen nie mehrere Personen gleichzeitig vom Hochhaus springen

Adenbüller Koog


Adenbuller Koog is a polder located in the state of Schleswig-Holstein, Germany. A polder is a low-lying tract of land enclosed by dikes, which are used to prevent flooding from nearby bodies of water. Adenbuller Koog was reclaimed from the North...




Saturday 8th January 1994