Places near Adıyaman

Places near Adıyaman including Adalı and Akça

1 - 50 of 242

Mount Nemrut, Turkey (NASA, International Space Station Science, 12/03/08) Mount Nemrut in Turkey is featured in this image photographed by an Expedition 18 crewmember on the International Space Station. This detailed view centers on the summit caldera of Mount Nemrut (Nemrut Dagi in Turkish), a stratovolcano located in the eastern Anatolia region of Turkey along the shoreline of Lake Van. Winter snow blankets the 2,948 meter elevation summit of the mountain, highlighting the brown caldera rim (a caldera is a large, usually circular or elliptical, collapse feature caused by the rapid emptying of an underlying magma chamber). The snow also highlights the irregular shape and wrinkled surfaces of several lava flows present in the eastern portion of the caldera. Lava flows associated with Mt. Nemrut range in composition from thin, fluid basalt to thick, glassy obsidian. A coldwater caldera lake occupies the western half of the summit. The geologic record at Mt. Nemrut indicates numerous prehistoric explosive eruptions during the Holocene Epoch --which, according to scientists, began approximately 10,000 years ago and extends to the present day -- with eruption of lava last observed during 1441. The last well-documented explosive eruption occurred during 1650. Volcanism at Mt. Nemrut is the result of tectonic activity associated with the collision of the Arabian and Eurasian Plates; this collision is ongoing, and the presence of a warm water lake in the caldera suggests that the volcano is merely quiescent at present. 

Image credit: NASA

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More about the Crew Earth Observation experiment aboard the International Space Station:
<a href="" rel="noreferrer nofollow"></a>. ( <a href="" rel="noreferrer nofollow"></a> ) 

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I'm starting a new Flickr group about Space Station Science. Please feel welcome to join! <a href=""></a> ( <a href=""></a> )


Populated Place

Adali is a small populated place located in the Adıyaman Province of Turkey. Situated in the southeastern region of the country, it lies approximately 40 kilometers northeast of the provincial capital, Adıyaman city. Adali is nestled amidst...




Wednesday 18th January 2012



Populated Place

Akca is a populated place located in the district of Adıyaman in the southeastern region of Turkey. The town is situated on the banks of the Cendere River and is surrounded by several mountains and hills. Akca has a population of roughly 4,000...




Wednesday 18th January 2012

Third Falls While it was sunny from this vantage point, little did we know that a thunderstorm was up the valley and around the bend.


Populated Place

Akcakaya is a small populated place located in the Adıyaman Province of southeastern Turkey. Situated in the eastern region of the country, Akcakaya is part of the administrative district of Sincik. It is positioned at an elevation of...




Wednesday 18th January 2012

Mount Nemrut, Turkey (NASA, International Space Station Science, 12/03/08) Mount Nemrut in Turkey is featured in this image photographed by an Expedition 18 crewmember on the International Space Station. This detailed view centers on the summit caldera of Mount Nemrut (Nemrut Dagi in Turkish), a stratovolcano located in the eastern Anatolia region of Turkey along the shoreline of Lake Van. Winter snow blankets the 2,948 meter elevation summit of the mountain, highlighting the brown caldera rim (a caldera is a large, usually circular or elliptical, collapse feature caused by the rapid emptying of an underlying magma chamber). The snow also highlights the irregular shape and wrinkled surfaces of several lava flows present in the eastern portion of the caldera. Lava flows associated with Mt. Nemrut range in composition from thin, fluid basalt to thick, glassy obsidian. A coldwater caldera lake occupies the western half of the summit. The geologic record at Mt. Nemrut indicates numerous prehistoric explosive eruptions during the Holocene Epoch --which, according to scientists, began approximately 10,000 years ago and extends to the present day -- with eruption of lava last observed during 1441. The last well-documented explosive eruption occurred during 1650. Volcanism at Mt. Nemrut is the result of tectonic activity associated with the collision of the Arabian and Eurasian Plates; this collision is ongoing, and the presence of a warm water lake in the caldera suggests that the volcano is merely quiescent at present. 

Image credit: NASA

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More about the Crew Earth Observation experiment aboard the International Space Station:
<a href="" rel="noreferrer nofollow"></a>. ( <a href="" rel="noreferrer nofollow"></a> ) 

More about space station science:
<a href="" rel="noreferrer nofollow"></a> ( <a href="" rel="noreferrer nofollow"></a> ) 

I'm starting a new Flickr group about Space Station Science. Please feel welcome to join! <a href=""></a> ( <a href=""></a> )


Populated Place

Akipinar is a populated place located in Adıyaman, Turkey. It is situated at an altitude of 997 meters, in the southeastern part of the Adıyaman Province. The population of Akipinar stands at around 6,000 people, with the majority of the...




Wednesday 18th January 2012

Third Falls While it was sunny from this vantage point, little did we know that a thunderstorm was up the valley and around the bend.


Populated Place

Akpinar is a populated place located in the Adıyaman province of southeastern Turkey. It is situated near the border of Syria, around 34 kilometers east of the city of Adıyaman. The town covers an area of approximately 60 square kilometers and...




Wednesday 18th January 2012

Mount Nemrut, Turkey (NASA, International Space Station Science, 12/03/08) Mount Nemrut in Turkey is featured in this image photographed by an Expedition 18 crewmember on the International Space Station. This detailed view centers on the summit caldera of Mount Nemrut (Nemrut Dagi in Turkish), a stratovolcano located in the eastern Anatolia region of Turkey along the shoreline of Lake Van. Winter snow blankets the 2,948 meter elevation summit of the mountain, highlighting the brown caldera rim (a caldera is a large, usually circular or elliptical, collapse feature caused by the rapid emptying of an underlying magma chamber). The snow also highlights the irregular shape and wrinkled surfaces of several lava flows present in the eastern portion of the caldera. Lava flows associated with Mt. Nemrut range in composition from thin, fluid basalt to thick, glassy obsidian. A coldwater caldera lake occupies the western half of the summit. The geologic record at Mt. Nemrut indicates numerous prehistoric explosive eruptions during the Holocene Epoch --which, according to scientists, began approximately 10,000 years ago and extends to the present day -- with eruption of lava last observed during 1441. The last well-documented explosive eruption occurred during 1650. Volcanism at Mt. Nemrut is the result of tectonic activity associated with the collision of the Arabian and Eurasian Plates; this collision is ongoing, and the presence of a warm water lake in the caldera suggests that the volcano is merely quiescent at present. 

Image credit: NASA

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More about the Crew Earth Observation experiment aboard the International Space Station:
<a href="" rel="noreferrer nofollow"></a>. ( <a href="" rel="noreferrer nofollow"></a> ) 

More about space station science:
<a href="" rel="noreferrer nofollow"></a> ( <a href="" rel="noreferrer nofollow"></a> ) 

I'm starting a new Flickr group about Space Station Science. Please feel welcome to join! <a href=""></a> ( <a href=""></a> )


Populated Place

Aksoy is a populated place located in the Adıyaman Province of Turkey. It is situated in the southeastern region of the country, near the border with Syria. The town is part of the district of Besni and is approximately 65 kilometers away from...




Wednesday 18th January 2012

Elif Mausoleum, a Roman mausoleum located along the Samosata-Doliche road in Commagene with a tripartite construction consisting of a podium, aedicule and roof, dated to the late 2nd century AD, Elif, Turkey <a href="" rel="noreferrer nofollow"></a>

Elif Mausoleum is in Elif Village of Araban District. The village of Elif is the ancient city of Sugga, and according to the information on the ancient map showing the Roman period road routes, Dolikhe (Dülük)-Is around the intersection of Samosata (Samsat) and Zeugma-Samosata roads. The Elif Mausoleum is also built of cut stone, just like the Hisar, and consists of a body resting on a high pedestal and a vaulted cover system covering the body. The mausoleum's eastern, western and southern facades are arcMausoleumnorthern facade is closed by building a wall, and a rectangular doorway is left in the lower middle part. The four bulky pier columns forming the body of the Mausoleum have beMausoleumed by the arches resting on the Corinthian capitals. Thus, the building gained an aesthetic appearance. Although we cannot say anything definite about the covering system of the Elif Mausoleum, it is understood from the remains that it may be a vault. Elif Mausoleum is also dated to the end of the 2nd century AD and the beginning of the 3rd century AD.


Populated Place

Aktepe is a populated place located in the Adıyaman province of Turkey, which is situated in the southeastern part of the country. The town is located near the Syrian border and is approximately 30 kilometers away from the city of Adıyaman....




Sunday 6th December 2015

Karakuş Tumulus, Kingdom of Commage, Turkey


Populated Place

Armutlu is a populated place located in the Adıyaman Province of Turkey. Situated in the southeastern region of the country, it lies approximately 35 kilometers northeast of the province's capital city, Adıyaman. Armutlu is part of the Kahta...




Wednesday 18th January 2012

The Euphrates River in Turkey


Populated Place

Atakent is a populated place located in Adıyaman, Turkey. It is situated in the southeastern part of the country, near the Syrian border. The population of Atakent is around 2,500 people, and the main language spoken is Turkish. The area is known...




Sunday 6th December 2015

Mount Nemrut, Turkey (NASA, International Space Station Science, 12/03/08) Mount Nemrut in Turkey is featured in this image photographed by an Expedition 18 crewmember on the International Space Station. This detailed view centers on the summit caldera of Mount Nemrut (Nemrut Dagi in Turkish), a stratovolcano located in the eastern Anatolia region of Turkey along the shoreline of Lake Van. Winter snow blankets the 2,948 meter elevation summit of the mountain, highlighting the brown caldera rim (a caldera is a large, usually circular or elliptical, collapse feature caused by the rapid emptying of an underlying magma chamber). The snow also highlights the irregular shape and wrinkled surfaces of several lava flows present in the eastern portion of the caldera. Lava flows associated with Mt. Nemrut range in composition from thin, fluid basalt to thick, glassy obsidian. A coldwater caldera lake occupies the western half of the summit. The geologic record at Mt. Nemrut indicates numerous prehistoric explosive eruptions during the Holocene Epoch --which, according to scientists, began approximately 10,000 years ago and extends to the present day -- with eruption of lava last observed during 1441. The last well-documented explosive eruption occurred during 1650. Volcanism at Mt. Nemrut is the result of tectonic activity associated with the collision of the Arabian and Eurasian Plates; this collision is ongoing, and the presence of a warm water lake in the caldera suggests that the volcano is merely quiescent at present. 

Image credit: NASA

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More about the Crew Earth Observation experiment aboard the International Space Station:
<a href="" rel="noreferrer nofollow"></a>. ( <a href="" rel="noreferrer nofollow"></a> ) 

More about space station science:
<a href="" rel="noreferrer nofollow"></a> ( <a href="" rel="noreferrer nofollow"></a> ) 

I'm starting a new Flickr group about Space Station Science. Please feel welcome to join! <a href=""></a> ( <a href=""></a> )


Populated Place

Atli is a small populated place located in the Adıyaman province of Turkey. Situated in the southeastern part of the country, Atli is approximately 20 kilometers southwest of the city of Adıyaman. The village is nestled in a picturesque...




Wednesday 18th January 2012

Doğanşehir Belediyesi / Otokar Doruk 220S n°557 Otokar Doruk 220S n°557 du réseau de Doğanşehir Belediyesi à Esat Doğan Cd..


Populated Place

Ayranli is a populated place located in the Adıyaman province of southeastern Turkey. Situated in the eastern part of the country, Ayranli is situated at an altitude of approximately 890 meters (2,920 feet) above sea level. The town is surrounded...




Wednesday 18th January 2012

Ataturk Dam APAAMEG_199xxxxx_DLK-SL08-15


Populated Place

Bagdere is a small populated place located in the southeastern province of Adıyaman, Turkey. It is situated approximately 20 kilometers east of the city center of Adıyaman and has a population of around 2,000 people. Bagdere is a rural...




Wednesday 18th January 2012

Mount Nemrut, Turkey (NASA, International Space Station Science, 12/03/08) Mount Nemrut in Turkey is featured in this image photographed by an Expedition 18 crewmember on the International Space Station. This detailed view centers on the summit caldera of Mount Nemrut (Nemrut Dagi in Turkish), a stratovolcano located in the eastern Anatolia region of Turkey along the shoreline of Lake Van. Winter snow blankets the 2,948 meter elevation summit of the mountain, highlighting the brown caldera rim (a caldera is a large, usually circular or elliptical, collapse feature caused by the rapid emptying of an underlying magma chamber). The snow also highlights the irregular shape and wrinkled surfaces of several lava flows present in the eastern portion of the caldera. Lava flows associated with Mt. Nemrut range in composition from thin, fluid basalt to thick, glassy obsidian. A coldwater caldera lake occupies the western half of the summit. The geologic record at Mt. Nemrut indicates numerous prehistoric explosive eruptions during the Holocene Epoch --which, according to scientists, began approximately 10,000 years ago and extends to the present day -- with eruption of lava last observed during 1441. The last well-documented explosive eruption occurred during 1650. Volcanism at Mt. Nemrut is the result of tectonic activity associated with the collision of the Arabian and Eurasian Plates; this collision is ongoing, and the presence of a warm water lake in the caldera suggests that the volcano is merely quiescent at present. 

Image credit: NASA

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More about the Crew Earth Observation experiment aboard the International Space Station:
<a href="" rel="noreferrer nofollow"></a>. ( <a href="" rel="noreferrer nofollow"></a> ) 

More about space station science:
<a href="" rel="noreferrer nofollow"></a> ( <a href="" rel="noreferrer nofollow"></a> ) 

I'm starting a new Flickr group about Space Station Science. Please feel welcome to join! <a href=""></a> ( <a href=""></a> )


Populated Place

Bagli is a populated place located in the Adıyaman Province of Turkey. It is situated in the southeastern part of the country and is approximately 24 kilometers north of the provincial capital, Adıyaman City. Bagli is positioned at an elevation...




Wednesday 18th January 2012

The Euphrates River in Turkey


Populated Place

Bayirli is a populated place located in the Adıyaman Province of Turkey. Situated in the southeastern part of the country, it is a small village that lies within the Kahta district. Bayirli is situated approximately 10 kilometers northeast of the...




Wednesday 18th January 2012

Karakuş Tumulus, Kingdom of Commage, Turkey


Populated Place

Belenli is a populated place situated in the Adıyaman Province of Turkey. It is located in the southeastern region of the country and falls within the boundaries of the Kahta district. The town is positioned at an elevation of approximately 800...




Wednesday 18th January 2012

Mount Nemrut, Turkey (NASA, International Space Station Science, 12/03/08) Mount Nemrut in Turkey is featured in this image photographed by an Expedition 18 crewmember on the International Space Station. This detailed view centers on the summit caldera of Mount Nemrut (Nemrut Dagi in Turkish), a stratovolcano located in the eastern Anatolia region of Turkey along the shoreline of Lake Van. Winter snow blankets the 2,948 meter elevation summit of the mountain, highlighting the brown caldera rim (a caldera is a large, usually circular or elliptical, collapse feature caused by the rapid emptying of an underlying magma chamber). The snow also highlights the irregular shape and wrinkled surfaces of several lava flows present in the eastern portion of the caldera. Lava flows associated with Mt. Nemrut range in composition from thin, fluid basalt to thick, glassy obsidian. A coldwater caldera lake occupies the western half of the summit. The geologic record at Mt. Nemrut indicates numerous prehistoric explosive eruptions during the Holocene Epoch --which, according to scientists, began approximately 10,000 years ago and extends to the present day -- with eruption of lava last observed during 1441. The last well-documented explosive eruption occurred during 1650. Volcanism at Mt. Nemrut is the result of tectonic activity associated with the collision of the Arabian and Eurasian Plates; this collision is ongoing, and the presence of a warm water lake in the caldera suggests that the volcano is merely quiescent at present. 

Image credit: NASA

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More about the Crew Earth Observation experiment aboard the International Space Station:
<a href="" rel="noreferrer nofollow"></a>. ( <a href="" rel="noreferrer nofollow"></a> ) 

More about space station science:
<a href="" rel="noreferrer nofollow"></a> ( <a href="" rel="noreferrer nofollow"></a> ) 

I'm starting a new Flickr group about Space Station Science. Please feel welcome to join! <a href=""></a> ( <a href=""></a> )


Populated Place

Bircan is a populated place located in the province of Adıyaman, Turkey. Situated in the southeastern region of the country, it falls within the boundaries of the Adıyaman district. Bircan is positioned at a latitude of 37.5786° N and a longitude...




Wednesday 18th January 2012



Populated Place

Bogazozu is a small populated place located in the province of Adıyaman, Turkey. Situated in the southeastern part of the country, Bogazozu lies in a region known for its rich history and natural beauty. The settlement is nestled within a...




Wednesday 18th January 2012

Mount Nemrut, Turkey (NASA, International Space Station Science, 12/03/08) Mount Nemrut in Turkey is featured in this image photographed by an Expedition 18 crewmember on the International Space Station. This detailed view centers on the summit caldera of Mount Nemrut (Nemrut Dagi in Turkish), a stratovolcano located in the eastern Anatolia region of Turkey along the shoreline of Lake Van. Winter snow blankets the 2,948 meter elevation summit of the mountain, highlighting the brown caldera rim (a caldera is a large, usually circular or elliptical, collapse feature caused by the rapid emptying of an underlying magma chamber). The snow also highlights the irregular shape and wrinkled surfaces of several lava flows present in the eastern portion of the caldera. Lava flows associated with Mt. Nemrut range in composition from thin, fluid basalt to thick, glassy obsidian. A coldwater caldera lake occupies the western half of the summit. The geologic record at Mt. Nemrut indicates numerous prehistoric explosive eruptions during the Holocene Epoch --which, according to scientists, began approximately 10,000 years ago and extends to the present day -- with eruption of lava last observed during 1441. The last well-documented explosive eruption occurred during 1650. Volcanism at Mt. Nemrut is the result of tectonic activity associated with the collision of the Arabian and Eurasian Plates; this collision is ongoing, and the presence of a warm water lake in the caldera suggests that the volcano is merely quiescent at present. 

Image credit: NASA

Read full caption: ( <a href="" rel="noreferrer nofollow"></a> ) 

More about the Crew Earth Observation experiment aboard the International Space Station:
<a href="" rel="noreferrer nofollow"></a>. ( <a href="" rel="noreferrer nofollow"></a> ) 

More about space station science:
<a href="" rel="noreferrer nofollow"></a> ( <a href="" rel="noreferrer nofollow"></a> ) 

I'm starting a new Flickr group about Space Station Science. Please feel welcome to join! <a href=""></a> ( <a href=""></a> )


Populated Place

Bolukyayla is a small populated place located in the Adıyaman province of Turkey. Situated at an altitude of 1,200 meters (3,900 feet), it is nestled within the Taurus Mountains, offering breathtaking views of the surrounding valleys and hills....




Wednesday 18th January 2012

Adiyaman - hotel APAAMEG_1987_DLK-0136.jpg


Populated Place

Boyundere is a small populated place located in the province of Adıyaman, Turkey. Situated in the southeastern region of the country, it is part of the district of Samsat. Boyundere is positioned at a latitude of 37.5297° N and a longitude of...




Wednesday 18th January 2012

Karakuş Tumulus, Kingdom of Commage, Turkey


Populated Place

Boztarla is a populated place located in the Adıyaman Province of Turkey. Situated in the southeastern region of the country, it lies within the boundaries of the Bozova district. Boztarla is positioned approximately 11 kilometers northwest of...




Wednesday 18th January 2012

Mount Nemrut, Turkey (NASA, International Space Station Science, 12/03/08) Mount Nemrut in Turkey is featured in this image photographed by an Expedition 18 crewmember on the International Space Station. This detailed view centers on the summit caldera of Mount Nemrut (Nemrut Dagi in Turkish), a stratovolcano located in the eastern Anatolia region of Turkey along the shoreline of Lake Van. Winter snow blankets the 2,948 meter elevation summit of the mountain, highlighting the brown caldera rim (a caldera is a large, usually circular or elliptical, collapse feature caused by the rapid emptying of an underlying magma chamber). The snow also highlights the irregular shape and wrinkled surfaces of several lava flows present in the eastern portion of the caldera. Lava flows associated with Mt. Nemrut range in composition from thin, fluid basalt to thick, glassy obsidian. A coldwater caldera lake occupies the western half of the summit. The geologic record at Mt. Nemrut indicates numerous prehistoric explosive eruptions during the Holocene Epoch --which, according to scientists, began approximately 10,000 years ago and extends to the present day -- with eruption of lava last observed during 1441. The last well-documented explosive eruption occurred during 1650. Volcanism at Mt. Nemrut is the result of tectonic activity associated with the collision of the Arabian and Eurasian Plates; this collision is ongoing, and the presence of a warm water lake in the caldera suggests that the volcano is merely quiescent at present. 

Image credit: NASA

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More about the Crew Earth Observation experiment aboard the International Space Station:
<a href="" rel="noreferrer nofollow"></a>. ( <a href="" rel="noreferrer nofollow"></a> ) 

More about space station science:
<a href="" rel="noreferrer nofollow"></a> ( <a href="" rel="noreferrer nofollow"></a> ) 

I'm starting a new Flickr group about Space Station Science. Please feel welcome to join! <a href=""></a> ( <a href=""></a> )


Populated Place

Budakli is a small populated place located in the Adıyaman province of Turkey. Situated in the southeastern part of the country, Budakli is part of the Samsat district. It is surrounded by stunning natural beauty, with rolling hills and fertile...




Sunday 8th November 2015

Karakuş Tumulus, Kingdom of Commage, Turkey


Populated Place

Cakiresme is a populated place located in the province of Adıyaman, Turkey. It is situated in the southeastern part of the country, near the border with Syria. The town is part of the district of Kahta, which is known for its historical and...




Wednesday 18th January 2012

Mount Nemrut, Turkey (NASA, International Space Station Science, 12/03/08) Mount Nemrut in Turkey is featured in this image photographed by an Expedition 18 crewmember on the International Space Station. This detailed view centers on the summit caldera of Mount Nemrut (Nemrut Dagi in Turkish), a stratovolcano located in the eastern Anatolia region of Turkey along the shoreline of Lake Van. Winter snow blankets the 2,948 meter elevation summit of the mountain, highlighting the brown caldera rim (a caldera is a large, usually circular or elliptical, collapse feature caused by the rapid emptying of an underlying magma chamber). The snow also highlights the irregular shape and wrinkled surfaces of several lava flows present in the eastern portion of the caldera. Lava flows associated with Mt. Nemrut range in composition from thin, fluid basalt to thick, glassy obsidian. A coldwater caldera lake occupies the western half of the summit. The geologic record at Mt. Nemrut indicates numerous prehistoric explosive eruptions during the Holocene Epoch --which, according to scientists, began approximately 10,000 years ago and extends to the present day -- with eruption of lava last observed during 1441. The last well-documented explosive eruption occurred during 1650. Volcanism at Mt. Nemrut is the result of tectonic activity associated with the collision of the Arabian and Eurasian Plates; this collision is ongoing, and the presence of a warm water lake in the caldera suggests that the volcano is merely quiescent at present. 

Image credit: NASA

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More about the Crew Earth Observation experiment aboard the International Space Station:
<a href="" rel="noreferrer nofollow"></a>. ( <a href="" rel="noreferrer nofollow"></a> ) 

More about space station science:
<a href="" rel="noreferrer nofollow"></a> ( <a href="" rel="noreferrer nofollow"></a> ) 

I'm starting a new Flickr group about Space Station Science. Please feel welcome to join! <a href=""></a> ( <a href=""></a> )


Populated Place

Camici is a populated place located in the Adıyaman province of Turkey. The town is situated in the southeastern region of the country and is located approximately 40 kilometers southeast of the city of Adıyaman. The town is situated at an...




Sunday 8th November 2015

Karakuş Tumulus, Kingdom of Commage, Turkey


Populated Place

Camlica is a populated place located in the Adıyaman Province of Turkey. It is situated in the mountainous region of the Anti-Taurus Mountains, at an elevation of 854 meters. The town is believed to have been founded during the Byzantine era,...




Wednesday 18th January 2012

Mount Nemrut, Turkey (NASA, International Space Station Science, 12/03/08) Mount Nemrut in Turkey is featured in this image photographed by an Expedition 18 crewmember on the International Space Station. This detailed view centers on the summit caldera of Mount Nemrut (Nemrut Dagi in Turkish), a stratovolcano located in the eastern Anatolia region of Turkey along the shoreline of Lake Van. Winter snow blankets the 2,948 meter elevation summit of the mountain, highlighting the brown caldera rim (a caldera is a large, usually circular or elliptical, collapse feature caused by the rapid emptying of an underlying magma chamber). The snow also highlights the irregular shape and wrinkled surfaces of several lava flows present in the eastern portion of the caldera. Lava flows associated with Mt. Nemrut range in composition from thin, fluid basalt to thick, glassy obsidian. A coldwater caldera lake occupies the western half of the summit. The geologic record at Mt. Nemrut indicates numerous prehistoric explosive eruptions during the Holocene Epoch --which, according to scientists, began approximately 10,000 years ago and extends to the present day -- with eruption of lava last observed during 1441. The last well-documented explosive eruption occurred during 1650. Volcanism at Mt. Nemrut is the result of tectonic activity associated with the collision of the Arabian and Eurasian Plates; this collision is ongoing, and the presence of a warm water lake in the caldera suggests that the volcano is merely quiescent at present. 

Image credit: NASA

Read full caption: ( <a href="" rel="noreferrer nofollow"></a> ) 

More about the Crew Earth Observation experiment aboard the International Space Station:
<a href="" rel="noreferrer nofollow"></a>. ( <a href="" rel="noreferrer nofollow"></a> ) 

More about space station science:
<a href="" rel="noreferrer nofollow"></a> ( <a href="" rel="noreferrer nofollow"></a> ) 

I'm starting a new Flickr group about Space Station Science. Please feel welcome to join! <a href=""></a> ( <a href=""></a> )


Populated Place

Cataltepe is a small populated place located in the Adıyaman Province of Turkey. Situated in southeastern Turkey, Cataltepe is part of the Central Anatolia Region. It is approximately 30 kilometers southwest of the city of Adıyaman and...




Sunday 6th December 2015

The Euphrates River in Turkey


Populated Place

Cobandere is a small populated place located in the Adıyaman Province of Turkey. It is situated in the southeastern part of the country and lies approximately 35 kilometers southeast of the provincial capital, Adıyaman city. Cobandere is a rural...




Wednesday 18th January 2012

The Euphrates River in Turkey


Populated Place

Dogankaya is a populated place located in the Adıyaman province of Turkey. Situated in the southeastern region of the country, this small village is nestled amidst the picturesque landscape of the region. Adıyaman, the province Dogankaya is a...




Sunday 6th December 2015

Karakuş Tumulus, Kingdom of Commage, Turkey


Populated Place

Doganli is a populated place located in the Adıyaman Province of southeastern Turkey. Situated in the southeastern part of the country, Doganli lies in the foothills of the Taurus Mountains. It is positioned at a latitude of 37.9433° N and a...




Wednesday 18th January 2012

Elif Mausoleum, a Roman mausoleum located along the Samosata-Doliche road in Commagene with a tripartite construction consisting of a podium, aedicule and roof, dated to the late 2nd century AD, Elif, Turkey <a href="" rel="noreferrer nofollow"></a>

Elif Mausoleum is in Elif Village of Araban District. The village of Elif is the ancient city of Sugga, and according to the information on the ancient map showing the Roman period road routes, Dolikhe (Dülük)-Is around the intersection of Samosata (Samsat) and Zeugma-Samosata roads. The Elif Mausoleum is also built of cut stone, just like the Hisar, and consists of a body resting on a high pedestal and a vaulted cover system covering the body. The mausoleum's eastern, western and southern facades are arcMausoleumnorthern facade is closed by building a wall, and a rectangular doorway is left in the lower middle part. The four bulky pier columns forming the body of the Mausoleum have beMausoleumed by the arches resting on the Corinthian capitals. Thus, the building gained an aesthetic appearance. Although we cannot say anything definite about the covering system of the Elif Mausoleum, it is understood from the remains that it may be a vault. Elif Mausoleum is also dated to the end of the 2nd century AD and the beginning of the 3rd century AD.


Populated Place

Doldur is a small populated place located in the Adıyaman Province of Turkey. Situated in the southeastern part of the country, Doldur is part of the Kahta district and lies within the historical and cultural region known as Eastern...




Wednesday 18th January 2012

Doluca Doluca is a populated place located in the Adıyaman Province of Turkey. Situated in the southeastern part of the country, Doluca is nestled in a picturesque landscape characterized by rolling hills and fertile plains. The village is positioned at...


Populated Place

Doluca is a populated place located in the Adıyaman Province of Turkey. Situated in the southeastern part of the country, Doluca is nestled in a picturesque landscape characterized by rolling hills and fertile plains. The village is positioned at...




Saturday 6th July 2013

Karakuş Tumulus, Kingdom of Commage, Turkey


Populated Place

Duzce is a populated place located in the Adıyaman province of Turkey. It is situated in the eastern region of the country and covers an area of approximately 27 square miles. The population of Duzce is estimated to be around 10,000 people,...




Sunday 6th December 2015

Mount Nemrut, Turkey (NASA, International Space Station Science, 12/03/08) Mount Nemrut in Turkey is featured in this image photographed by an Expedition 18 crewmember on the International Space Station. This detailed view centers on the summit caldera of Mount Nemrut (Nemrut Dagi in Turkish), a stratovolcano located in the eastern Anatolia region of Turkey along the shoreline of Lake Van. Winter snow blankets the 2,948 meter elevation summit of the mountain, highlighting the brown caldera rim (a caldera is a large, usually circular or elliptical, collapse feature caused by the rapid emptying of an underlying magma chamber). The snow also highlights the irregular shape and wrinkled surfaces of several lava flows present in the eastern portion of the caldera. Lava flows associated with Mt. Nemrut range in composition from thin, fluid basalt to thick, glassy obsidian. A coldwater caldera lake occupies the western half of the summit. The geologic record at Mt. Nemrut indicates numerous prehistoric explosive eruptions during the Holocene Epoch --which, according to scientists, began approximately 10,000 years ago and extends to the present day -- with eruption of lava last observed during 1441. The last well-documented explosive eruption occurred during 1650. Volcanism at Mt. Nemrut is the result of tectonic activity associated with the collision of the Arabian and Eurasian Plates; this collision is ongoing, and the presence of a warm water lake in the caldera suggests that the volcano is merely quiescent at present. 

Image credit: NASA

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More about the Crew Earth Observation experiment aboard the International Space Station:
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Populated Place

Emek is a populated place located in the province of Adıyaman, Turkey. It is situated in the southeastern part of the country, near the Syrian border. Emek is a small village with a population of around 500 residents. The village is located in a...




Wednesday 18th January 2012

Mount Nemrut, Turkey (NASA, International Space Station Science, 12/03/08) Mount Nemrut in Turkey is featured in this image photographed by an Expedition 18 crewmember on the International Space Station. This detailed view centers on the summit caldera of Mount Nemrut (Nemrut Dagi in Turkish), a stratovolcano located in the eastern Anatolia region of Turkey along the shoreline of Lake Van. Winter snow blankets the 2,948 meter elevation summit of the mountain, highlighting the brown caldera rim (a caldera is a large, usually circular or elliptical, collapse feature caused by the rapid emptying of an underlying magma chamber). The snow also highlights the irregular shape and wrinkled surfaces of several lava flows present in the eastern portion of the caldera. Lava flows associated with Mt. Nemrut range in composition from thin, fluid basalt to thick, glassy obsidian. A coldwater caldera lake occupies the western half of the summit. The geologic record at Mt. Nemrut indicates numerous prehistoric explosive eruptions during the Holocene Epoch --which, according to scientists, began approximately 10,000 years ago and extends to the present day -- with eruption of lava last observed during 1441. The last well-documented explosive eruption occurred during 1650. Volcanism at Mt. Nemrut is the result of tectonic activity associated with the collision of the Arabian and Eurasian Plates; this collision is ongoing, and the presence of a warm water lake in the caldera suggests that the volcano is merely quiescent at present. 

Image credit: NASA

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More about the Crew Earth Observation experiment aboard the International Space Station:
<a href="" rel="noreferrer nofollow"></a>. ( <a href="" rel="noreferrer nofollow"></a> ) 

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<a href="" rel="noreferrer nofollow"></a> ( <a href="" rel="noreferrer nofollow"></a> ) 

I'm starting a new Flickr group about Space Station Science. Please feel welcome to join! <a href=""></a> ( <a href=""></a> )


Populated Place

Erikdere is a populated place located in the province of Adıyaman, Turkey. Situated in the southeastern region of the country, Adıyaman is known for its historical sites, natural beauty, and agricultural activities. Erikdere is a small village...




Wednesday 18th January 2012

Karakuş Tumulus, Kingdom of Commage, Turkey


Populated Place

Esence is a populated place located in the Adıyaman Province of Turkey. Situated in the southeastern part of the country, it lies approximately 12 kilometers northwest of the provincial capital, Adıyaman city. The village is located at an...




Wednesday 18th January 2012

Karakuş Tumulus, Kingdom of Commage, Turkey


Populated Place

Esentepe is a small populated place located in the Adıyaman Province of southeastern Turkey. Situated in the eastern part of the country, Esentepe is nestled in the foothills of the Taurus Mountains, offering stunning views of the surrounding...




Wednesday 18th January 2012

Elif Mausoleum, a Roman mausoleum located along the Samosata-Doliche road in Commagene with a tripartite construction consisting of a podium, aedicule and roof, dated to the late 2nd century AD, Elif, Turkey <a href="" rel="noreferrer nofollow"></a>

Elif Mausoleum is in Elif Village of Araban District. The village of Elif is the ancient city of Sugga, and according to the information on the ancient map showing the Roman period road routes, Dolikhe (Dülük)-Is around the intersection of Samosata (Samsat) and Zeugma-Samosata roads. The Elif Mausoleum is also built of cut stone, just like the Hisar, and consists of a body resting on a high pedestal and a vaulted cover system covering the body. The mausoleum's eastern, western and southern facades are arcMausoleumnorthern facade is closed by building a wall, and a rectangular doorway is left in the lower middle part. The four bulky pier columns forming the body of the Mausoleum have beMausoleumed by the arches resting on the Corinthian capitals. Thus, the building gained an aesthetic appearance. Although we cannot say anything definite about the covering system of the Elif Mausoleum, it is understood from the remains that it may be a vault. Elif Mausoleum is also dated to the end of the 2nd century AD and the beginning of the 3rd century AD.


Populated Place

Gecitli is a small populated place located in the Adıyaman Province of Turkey. Situated in the southeastern region of the country, it is part of the district of Besni. Gecitli is positioned at a latitude of 37.8789° N and a longitude of 37.6686°...




Sunday 6th December 2015

Karakuş Tumulus, Kingdom of Commage, Turkey


Populated Place

Gevrik, Adıyaman, Turkey is a small village nestled in the mountains of Eastern Turkey, near the stunning region of Lake Van. Gevrik is home to approximately 25 people and is widely known for its traditional hospitality, peaceful atmosphere and...




Wednesday 18th January 2012

Karakuş Tumulus, Kingdom of Commage, Turkey


Populated Place

Gokcay is a populated place in the Adiyaman Province of Turkey. It is located in the central portion of the province, to the north of the provincial capital of Adiyaman. The population of Gokcay is 1,175 as of 2019. Gokcay is situated on the...




Wednesday 18th January 2012

Ataturk Dam APAAMEG_199xxxxx_DLK-SL08-15


Populated Place

Goltepe is a populated place located in the Adıyaman Province of Turkey. Situated in the southeastern part of the country, it lies approximately 40 kilometers northwest of the city center of Adıyaman. The village is nestled amidst the picturesque...




Wednesday 18th January 2012

Mount Nemrut, Turkey (NASA, International Space Station Science, 12/03/08) Mount Nemrut in Turkey is featured in this image photographed by an Expedition 18 crewmember on the International Space Station. This detailed view centers on the summit caldera of Mount Nemrut (Nemrut Dagi in Turkish), a stratovolcano located in the eastern Anatolia region of Turkey along the shoreline of Lake Van. Winter snow blankets the 2,948 meter elevation summit of the mountain, highlighting the brown caldera rim (a caldera is a large, usually circular or elliptical, collapse feature caused by the rapid emptying of an underlying magma chamber). The snow also highlights the irregular shape and wrinkled surfaces of several lava flows present in the eastern portion of the caldera. Lava flows associated with Mt. Nemrut range in composition from thin, fluid basalt to thick, glassy obsidian. A coldwater caldera lake occupies the western half of the summit. The geologic record at Mt. Nemrut indicates numerous prehistoric explosive eruptions during the Holocene Epoch --which, according to scientists, began approximately 10,000 years ago and extends to the present day -- with eruption of lava last observed during 1441. The last well-documented explosive eruption occurred during 1650. Volcanism at Mt. Nemrut is the result of tectonic activity associated with the collision of the Arabian and Eurasian Plates; this collision is ongoing, and the presence of a warm water lake in the caldera suggests that the volcano is merely quiescent at present. 

Image credit: NASA

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More about the Crew Earth Observation experiment aboard the International Space Station:
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I'm starting a new Flickr group about Space Station Science. Please feel welcome to join! <a href=""></a> ( <a href=""></a> )


Populated Place

Gomece is a populated place located in the Adıyaman Province of Turkey. It is situated in the southeastern part of the country, approximately 30 kilometers northwest of the city of Adıyaman. Gomece is positioned at an elevation of around 900...




Wednesday 18th January 2012

Mount Nemrut, Turkey (NASA, International Space Station Science, 12/03/08) Mount Nemrut in Turkey is featured in this image photographed by an Expedition 18 crewmember on the International Space Station. This detailed view centers on the summit caldera of Mount Nemrut (Nemrut Dagi in Turkish), a stratovolcano located in the eastern Anatolia region of Turkey along the shoreline of Lake Van. Winter snow blankets the 2,948 meter elevation summit of the mountain, highlighting the brown caldera rim (a caldera is a large, usually circular or elliptical, collapse feature caused by the rapid emptying of an underlying magma chamber). The snow also highlights the irregular shape and wrinkled surfaces of several lava flows present in the eastern portion of the caldera. Lava flows associated with Mt. Nemrut range in composition from thin, fluid basalt to thick, glassy obsidian. A coldwater caldera lake occupies the western half of the summit. The geologic record at Mt. Nemrut indicates numerous prehistoric explosive eruptions during the Holocene Epoch --which, according to scientists, began approximately 10,000 years ago and extends to the present day -- with eruption of lava last observed during 1441. The last well-documented explosive eruption occurred during 1650. Volcanism at Mt. Nemrut is the result of tectonic activity associated with the collision of the Arabian and Eurasian Plates; this collision is ongoing, and the presence of a warm water lake in the caldera suggests that the volcano is merely quiescent at present. 

Image credit: NASA

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More about the Crew Earth Observation experiment aboard the International Space Station:
<a href="" rel="noreferrer nofollow"></a>. ( <a href="" rel="noreferrer nofollow"></a> ) 

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I'm starting a new Flickr group about Space Station Science. Please feel welcome to join! <a href=""></a> ( <a href=""></a> )


Populated Place

Gundogdu is a populated place located in the Adıyaman province of Turkey. It is situated approximately 12 kilometers east of the city of Adıyaman and has a population of around 2,000 people. The settlement is situated at an elevation of 670...




Wednesday 18th January 2012

Karakuş Tumulus, Kingdom of Commage, Turkey


Populated Place

Haciyusuf is a small populated place located in the Adıyaman Province of Turkey. Situated in the southeastern region of the country, it is part of the Kahta district, which is known for its historical and cultural significance. Haciyusuf is...




Sunday 6th December 2015

The Euphrates River in Turkey


Populated Place

Harmanardi is a populated place located in the Adıyaman Province of Turkey. Situated in the southeastern part of the country, Adıyaman is known for its rich history and cultural heritage. Harmanardi, specifically, is situated in the Kahta...




Sunday 6th December 2015

Mount Nemrut, Turkey (NASA, International Space Station Science, 12/03/08) Mount Nemrut in Turkey is featured in this image photographed by an Expedition 18 crewmember on the International Space Station. This detailed view centers on the summit caldera of Mount Nemrut (Nemrut Dagi in Turkish), a stratovolcano located in the eastern Anatolia region of Turkey along the shoreline of Lake Van. Winter snow blankets the 2,948 meter elevation summit of the mountain, highlighting the brown caldera rim (a caldera is a large, usually circular or elliptical, collapse feature caused by the rapid emptying of an underlying magma chamber). The snow also highlights the irregular shape and wrinkled surfaces of several lava flows present in the eastern portion of the caldera. Lava flows associated with Mt. Nemrut range in composition from thin, fluid basalt to thick, glassy obsidian. A coldwater caldera lake occupies the western half of the summit. The geologic record at Mt. Nemrut indicates numerous prehistoric explosive eruptions during the Holocene Epoch --which, according to scientists, began approximately 10,000 years ago and extends to the present day -- with eruption of lava last observed during 1441. The last well-documented explosive eruption occurred during 1650. Volcanism at Mt. Nemrut is the result of tectonic activity associated with the collision of the Arabian and Eurasian Plates; this collision is ongoing, and the presence of a warm water lake in the caldera suggests that the volcano is merely quiescent at present. 

Image credit: NASA

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More about the Crew Earth Observation experiment aboard the International Space Station:
<a href="" rel="noreferrer nofollow"></a>. ( <a href="" rel="noreferrer nofollow"></a> ) 

More about space station science:
<a href="" rel="noreferrer nofollow"></a> ( <a href="" rel="noreferrer nofollow"></a> ) 

I'm starting a new Flickr group about Space Station Science. Please feel welcome to join! <a href=""></a> ( <a href=""></a> )


Populated Place

Ikizce is a small populated place located in the Adıyaman province of southeastern Turkey. Situated at an elevation of approximately 950 meters (3,117 feet) above sea level, it is nestled amidst the picturesque landscape of the Taurus Mountains....




Wednesday 18th January 2012

Karakuş Tumulus, Kingdom of Commage, Turkey


Populated Place

Inceler is a populated place located in the Adıyaman Province of Turkey. Situated in the southeastern region of the country, it is part of the Central Anatolia Region. Adıyaman is the capital city of the province and is approximately 10...




Wednesday 18th January 2012

Mount Nemrut, Turkey (NASA, International Space Station Science, 12/03/08) Mount Nemrut in Turkey is featured in this image photographed by an Expedition 18 crewmember on the International Space Station. This detailed view centers on the summit caldera of Mount Nemrut (Nemrut Dagi in Turkish), a stratovolcano located in the eastern Anatolia region of Turkey along the shoreline of Lake Van. Winter snow blankets the 2,948 meter elevation summit of the mountain, highlighting the brown caldera rim (a caldera is a large, usually circular or elliptical, collapse feature caused by the rapid emptying of an underlying magma chamber). The snow also highlights the irregular shape and wrinkled surfaces of several lava flows present in the eastern portion of the caldera. Lava flows associated with Mt. Nemrut range in composition from thin, fluid basalt to thick, glassy obsidian. A coldwater caldera lake occupies the western half of the summit. The geologic record at Mt. Nemrut indicates numerous prehistoric explosive eruptions during the Holocene Epoch --which, according to scientists, began approximately 10,000 years ago and extends to the present day -- with eruption of lava last observed during 1441. The last well-documented explosive eruption occurred during 1650. Volcanism at Mt. Nemrut is the result of tectonic activity associated with the collision of the Arabian and Eurasian Plates; this collision is ongoing, and the presence of a warm water lake in the caldera suggests that the volcano is merely quiescent at present. 

Image credit: NASA

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More about the Crew Earth Observation experiment aboard the International Space Station:
<a href="" rel="noreferrer nofollow"></a>. ( <a href="" rel="noreferrer nofollow"></a> ) 

More about space station science:
<a href="" rel="noreferrer nofollow"></a> ( <a href="" rel="noreferrer nofollow"></a> ) 

I'm starting a new Flickr group about Space Station Science. Please feel welcome to join! <a href=""></a> ( <a href=""></a> )


Seat Of A Second-order Administrative Division

Kahta is a small town located in the Adıyaman Province of Turkey. Situated in the southeastern part of the country, it lies on the banks of the Atatürk Dam reservoir, which is the largest dam in Turkey and the third largest in the world. With a...




Wednesday 18th January 2012

Karakuş Tumulus, Kingdom of Commage, Turkey

Kâhta Çayı


Kahta Cayi is a significant stream located in the Adıyaman province of Turkey. Stretching across a distance of approximately 100 kilometers, this watercourse originates from the eastern slopes of the Taurus Mountains and flows towards the south,...




Saturday 4th June 2016

The Euphrates River in Turkey

Kalburcu Çayı


Kalburcu Cayi is a beautiful stream located in Adıyaman, Turkey. It flows through the stunning landscape of the region, offering visitors a serene and picturesque setting. The stream originates from the surrounding mountains, which are part of...




Saturday 4th June 2016

The Euphrates River in Turkey



Kalburcusuyu is a small stream located in the Adıyaman province of Turkey. It originates from the Taurus Mountains and flows for approximately 25 kilometers before joining the Euphrates River. The stream passes through the villages of Yarpuzlu,...




Saturday 18th December 1993

Mount Nemrut, Turkey (NASA, International Space Station Science, 12/03/08) Mount Nemrut in Turkey is featured in this image photographed by an Expedition 18 crewmember on the International Space Station. This detailed view centers on the summit caldera of Mount Nemrut (Nemrut Dagi in Turkish), a stratovolcano located in the eastern Anatolia region of Turkey along the shoreline of Lake Van. Winter snow blankets the 2,948 meter elevation summit of the mountain, highlighting the brown caldera rim (a caldera is a large, usually circular or elliptical, collapse feature caused by the rapid emptying of an underlying magma chamber). The snow also highlights the irregular shape and wrinkled surfaces of several lava flows present in the eastern portion of the caldera. Lava flows associated with Mt. Nemrut range in composition from thin, fluid basalt to thick, glassy obsidian. A coldwater caldera lake occupies the western half of the summit. The geologic record at Mt. Nemrut indicates numerous prehistoric explosive eruptions during the Holocene Epoch --which, according to scientists, began approximately 10,000 years ago and extends to the present day -- with eruption of lava last observed during 1441. The last well-documented explosive eruption occurred during 1650. Volcanism at Mt. Nemrut is the result of tectonic activity associated with the collision of the Arabian and Eurasian Plates; this collision is ongoing, and the presence of a warm water lake in the caldera suggests that the volcano is merely quiescent at present. 

Image credit: NASA

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More about the Crew Earth Observation experiment aboard the International Space Station:
<a href="" rel="noreferrer nofollow"></a>. ( <a href="" rel="noreferrer nofollow"></a> ) 

More about space station science:
<a href="" rel="noreferrer nofollow"></a> ( <a href="" rel="noreferrer nofollow"></a> ) 

I'm starting a new Flickr group about Space Station Science. Please feel welcome to join! <a href=""></a> ( <a href=""></a> )


Populated Place

Kalecik is a small populated place located in the Adiyaman province of Turkey. It is situated in the southeastern part of the country and is home to a population of around 2,500 people. The village is located at an altitude of 1,329 meters...




Saturday 18th December 1993